• How To Deal With Treatment Resistant Depression

    Before knowing how to deal with treatment-resistant depression, it is important to know what depression really is. It is true that every person gets down at a given from time to time, but when sadness lasts up to two –or even more –weeks, it may exhibit clinical depression. It’s very...
  • Diabetes Management Tips

    Diabetes is a serious condition, but thankfully it’s not a hopeless one. By implementing smart lifestyle changes, you can go on to lead a normal life without worrying about how this disease can negatively affect you. Here are five tips to get you started—they’re by no means the only...
  • How your Birth Control can Affect your Health

    In today’s world, the usage of birth control methods is at an all time high. However, according to the research conducted by neuroscientists at UCLA, the usage of oral contraception cam lead to the shrinking of some parts of the brain resulting in depression. You might not be aware...
  • Multiple Myeloma Staging Systems

    Staging is a common concept within cancer research that helps doctors determine the severity and track the progression of the disease. When it comes to multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer, there are two primary staging models used to follow its development: the Durie-Salmon staging system and the International Staging...
  • 7 Terms to Know About Tooth Decay

    Tooth decay can happen to the best of us, but educating yourself on this potentially painful dental condition can help you prevent it in the first place. Here are seven important terms that relate to tooth decay: Cavities Cavities are holes in the teeth caused by tooth decay. Left...
  • What are Osteoporosis Symptoms?

    Osteoporosis is becoming a nationally recognized disease, which is defined by one’s bone density becoming lost and/or breaking off. Literally, the bones of the body become super fragile and porous and eventually get to a point where they can easily snap or break from becoming to brittle. Osteoporosis, literally...
  • Get the Ultimate Hair Loss Treatment for Your Hair, hair loss, hair loss prevention

    How to Prevent Hair Loss

    Hair loss, balding, alopecia—no matter what you call it, it’s miserable to go through. While there are products that can help once hair loss sets in, they are largely ineffective or disappointing for most people. Unfortunately, on the whole, there is very little that can be done for the...
  • Congestive Heart Failure Treatment Options

    Congestive heart failure, more commonly known simply as heart failure, refers to a condition where the heart is either unable to sufficiently pump blood throughout the body or unable to prevent the blood from “backing up” to the lungs. This article will detail not only the causes of this...
  • Glaucoma vs Cataracts

    Cataracts and glaucoma are common terms that you’ve probably heard in an eye doctor’s office. Both cataracts and glaucoma are usually seen in patients over the age of 60. These eye conditions are a part of the natural aging process of your eyes. Many people do not know the...
  • Discussing an Eating Disorder with Your Family

    Admitting to your family that you’re struggling with an eating disorder is difficult, but opening up to your closest loved ones can make the recovery process much easier. If you’re unsure of how you should start this conversation with your relatives, use these suggestions to navigate through any potential difficulties....
  • Workouts to Improve Back Mass and Strength

    The biggest mistakes that people typically make in their back workouts are focusing on the wrong exercises and focusing on high-rep training, rather than high-weight training. If you hope to add mass and strength to your back muscles, you should instead focus on lifting heavy weights with low repetitions,...
  • The Signs and Symptoms of Liver Damage

    Liver damage in the form of liver disease is one of the few diseases that has an incidence rate that continues to climb annually. The femur is the longest bone in the human body, the aorta is the largest artery, and the largest and heaviest internal organ is the liver....
  • Brain Cancer Surgery Alternative Treatments

    Brain cancer is a disease that affects the tissue inside your brain. When cells begin to develop in an abnormal mass, this is referred to as a brain tumor. There are different types of brain cancer that are classified based on the location of brain tumors and where the brain...
  • All You Need to Know About Arthritis

    You’ll often hear older adults complaining about aching and soreness in their joints, even when doing tasks that don’t seem that strenuous. Medical experts estimate that nearly 50% of seniors get a diagnosis with a form of arthritis, making it a condition directly associated with aging. While it can...
  • A Comprehensive Guide to Hemorrhoids Treatments at Home

    Hemorrhoids, also known as swollen and inflamed veins in the lower rectum and anus, might result from straining a lot during bowel movements or even from increased pressure on the veins during pregnancy. The swollen veins might be located inside the rectum (internal hemorrhoids) or they might develop under...
  • Treating Migraine Headaches

    A lot of people around the world suffer from migraine headaches every once in a while, and there are those who suffer from this kind of headache almost every day. Some may be able to tolerate this, but there are also many who are completely incapacitated when they suffer...
  • What is Congestive Heart Failure

    Congestive heart failure is a progressive condition in which your heart does not pump or fill efficiently. In other words, blood flow through your heart is abnormal. The condition is chronic, which means it cannot be cured. There are, however, many treatment options available to help slow progression and...
  • Symptoms and Treatment of Hyperhidrosis

    Though not life-threatening, hyperhidrosis can be a real issue and can negatively impact your quality of life. It can be difficult to deal with or even talk about this condition, but an understanding of the symptoms, as well as how to treat them, can help you regain your confidence. What is Hyperhidrosis? In...
  • Low Testosterone Treatment Options

    Testosterone is the hormone that gives men characteristics such as facial hair, fertility, developed muscle tone, and deep voices. Low testosterone is treated by replacing the testosterone that would normally be produced by the body. Testosterone replacement therapy should always be closely monitored by a doctor, as there may...
  • What You Need To Know About Chickenpox and Shingles

    Chickenpox and shingles Chickenpox and its viral cousin, shingles, are caused by the varicella-zoster virus. They are highly contagious diseases that are more dangerous to teens and adults than to most children. Extreme itchy spots that are raised all over the skin characterize these diseases. Most adults and teens...
  • Afib Causes and Effects

    Who Is Affected by Afib? Atrial fibrillation, dubbed as Afib, is a heart condition characterized by an irregular or abnormal heartbeat. This condition affects close to 3 million people in the USA and over 1 million in the UK. Approximately 2% of people with atrial fibrillation are between the...
  • Fixing Your Flu and Feeling Better

    Over the years many solutions have been developed to cure flu and how to prevent it during flu season. The body has been viewed as an exceedingly complex machine, and illness like this has been interpreted as malfunctions in the machine brought about by many different factors, some of...
  • rheumatoid arthritis treatment

    Symptoms and Causes of Psoriatic Arthritis

    Psoriatic arthritis is a painful condition that affects the joints. For most individuals, psoriatic arthritis appears years after psoriasis. Symptoms of psoriatic arthritis come and go, but it is a lifelong condition that may cause severe damage to the joints. Joint changes and deformity are often found in people...
  • What Causes Night Terrors?

    Night terrors, or sleep terrors, are a parasomnia, or undesired and abnormal behavior that occurs during sleep. Night terrors are distinctly different from nightmares, although they are such a rare issue that they aren’t well understood and are therefore often mistaken for bad dreams. Here’s a look at how...
  • What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

    Irritable-Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common condition that mainly affects the intestine causing recurrent left-side abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, and/ or constipation. It is often associated with stress, depression, anxiety, or previous intestinal infection. According to doctors, it is common in one in every five Americans. Who should look...
  • Diagnosing Fibromyalgia

    Although researchers have yet to uncover the true cause of fibromyalgia and know little of the science behind the disease, a variety of treatments are available. Some treatments are more effective than others, and achieving the combination of therapies that’s right for you requires collaboration with your physician and honest...
  • Atopic Eczema Relief

    Atopic Eczema Relief

    Eczema is an umbrella term for a group of skin conditions that cause patches of irritated, dry, and itchy skin. Atopic dermatitis is known as the most common prevalent form of eczema which is a term used interchangeably with eczema. Atopic dermatitis typically sets in during infancy and may...
  • Diagnosis and Treatment of HIV

    HIV is typically detected using a blood or saliva test that looks for the presence of antibodies. The problematic part is that the human body takes about 12 weeks to form HIV antibodies. There is a more rapid test that screens for HIV antigen, which is a protein the...
  • treatment shingles pain

    Treatment Shingles Pain

    Shingles is a viral infection that is caused by the same virus as chickenpox. Shingles creates a painful rash, and may also cause fever, sensitivity to light, and fatigue. Having chickenpox as a child means that the shingles virus is dormant in your system but can be reactivated later in...
  • treatments for stroke afib

    Treatments for Stroke AFib

    Research shows that thousands of strokes that transpire in the United States are preventable if a larger number of patients with AFib—a condition that affects the rhythm of the heart—were placed on anticoagulants (blood thinners). AFib, also known as atrial fibrillation, is a condition where the individual has an abnormal...
  • Everything you need to know about buying a mattress online

    Buying a mattress online is becoming ever more popular. It’s not a trend that is going away anytime soon, as more and more companies keep popping up, and most of them offer great options.Prices online tend to be much better than what you’ll find at your local mattress shop....
  • Best Razors For Men

    A razor refers to a bladed tool primarily used to remove the unwanted body hair through the act of shaving. Kinds of razors mainly include straight razors, disposable razor (disposable blade straight razors and disposable safety razors), safety razors (removable-blade razors, catridge razors), and electric razors. The most common...
  • 15 Home Remedies for Chronic Constipation Relief

    It may be easy to share how much you’re suffering from your sore throat but not so easy to do the same when it comes to your digestive issues. If you haven’t relieved yourself in a few days it can start to feel like a dirty little secret. However,...
  • Anti-Aging and Anti-Wrinkle Foods

    Skin wrinkles typically appear as a result of aging processes. That is to say, wrinkles appear as we age. But still, we can find a way to minimize wrinkles and other signs of aging skin. Here is the trick! Consuming fruits and vegetables is a safe and healthy way...
  • Diagnosing Pneumonia

    What Does Pneumonia Look Like? The signs and symptoms of pneumonia vary from mild to severe depending on your age, your health, and the type of germ that is causing the infection. Mild symptoms and signs are often similar to a cold or flu, but may last longer. Newborns...
  • What is Type 2 Diabetes?

    Diabetes is a problem with your body that causes blood glucose (sugar) levels to rise higher than normal. This is also called hyperglycemia. What is Type 2 Diabetes? Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. If you have type 2 diabetes your body does not use...
  • 9 Possible Causes of Early Menopause

    There is no crystal ball or DNA test to predict when menopause will hit, though your best bet would be to look at exactly when your mother or older sisters did went through it. “Family history is often the best predictor,” states Mary Jane Minkin, a clinical doctor of...
  • What You Should Know About Hemorrhoids

    Essentially, hemorrhoids occur when the blood vessels in the anus get strained and swollen. They usually cause an itchy discomfort that’s present during pretty much every activity daily life requires—including sitting, standing, walking, and sometimes even laying down. Although it can feel like forever before they go away (and some are extremely...
  • Reasons for Tooth Decay

    Tooth decay, also known as dental caries or cavities, occurs when bacteria inside your mouth create acid that eats holes in the surface layer of your teeth, or the enamel. As time goes by, this decay can grow larger if it’s left untreated and can eventually reach the nerve...
  • Osteoporosis: What is it?

    The first thing you should know about Osteoporosis is that it is a common old-age disease of bone due to which bones become more vulnerable to fractures. Bone loss is characterized by a decrease in bone density due to the excessively rapid loss of bone substance and structure. The...
  • Avoid These 5 Bodybuilding Supplements

    Are you the kind of person who spends three hours in the gym every day and still can’t manage to get the bulging muscles you’re looking for? If so, there’s a good chance that you’ve considered using supplements to increase your progress. While there are some great products out...
  • Treatments Of Heart Disease

    If you are, or think you are, having heart problems it is important to be checked out by a doctor, because it might be a heart disease and heart disease treatment may help you. When it comes to heart disease there are many types, from Coronary Artery Disease, Heart...
  • treatment pulmonary embolism, pulmonary embolism treatment, pulmonary embolism treatments, treatments for pulmonary embolism, treatment for pulmonary embolism, pulmonary embolism info

    Unpacking Embolism and Its Types

    An embolism occurs when a vein or artery is blocked by an embolus. Not to be confused with a thrombus (stationary blood clot), an embolus is a mobile substance confined to the blood vessels. There are several types of embolisms, depending upon the affected part of the body.  The embolus...
  • Eating Disorders: Talking to a Nutritionist

    Eating disorders are difficult to combat because they incorporate psychological and physical roots. However, they are treatable with the proper guidance and determination. If you suffer from one of the three common types of eating disorder—anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating—and have decided to seek help on your own or as...
  • Abdominal Pain: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

    What Is Abdominal Pain? Abdominal pain in most cases is pain that mostly occurs between the chest and pelvic regions. Mostly referred to as stomach ache. This pain can either be mild, dull, sharp, intermittent or in form of cramps. So, what are the most possible causes of stomach...
  • Causes of Liver Cirrhosis

    When the healthy tissue of your liver has been replaced with scar tissue, your liver begins to not function properly. This is a later stage of liver damage known as cirrhosis. If diagnosed early and treated correctly, the progression of liver damage can be slowed. Here is a look...
  • Rare Causes of Vertigo

    Vertigo and an extreme sense of dizziness can strike at any given time and for many, many reasons. While vertigo can be painful or mild, quick or aggravatingly recurring, the main thing to do once a sudden spell of the dizzies hits is to see a doctor. Finding the...
  • Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Treatment

    Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), also known as chronic granulocytic leukemia, is a condition where the bone marrow makes too many white blood cells. This article focuses on the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia using standard care procedure. Making a chronic myeloid leukemia treatment plan, patients are encouraged to consider...
  • Symptoms and Stages of Multiple Myeloma

    Multiple myeloma is the second most common hematological cancer, according to the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation (MMRF). A hematological cancer is a disease caused by an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the blood. Multiple myeloma predominantly affects middle-aged and elderly men, many of whom are black. The University of...
  • Information About Migraine Headaches

    Migraine Headache Information Migraine headaches are caused when blood vessels in the head dilate suddenly. About fifteen to twenty percent of men and twenty-five to thirty percent of women have migraine headache, and more than half of these sufferers have a family history of migraine. Nobody knows the exact...